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Making Better Coffee: The Basics

Just getting started on your coffee adventure? Don't let the coffee snobs scare ya.

Coffee is fascinating, but it doesn't have to be complicated. Here are a few of the basics to start: buy fresh coffee beans, invest in a good grinder and use a manual brew method.

Fresh Coffee Makes a Big Difference

As coffee ages, the unique flavors and aromas that make it special can begin to disappear.

Think corn on the cob from the farmer’s market versus canned corn from the grocery store. Both are edible — but which would you prefer?

Coffee beans aren't like fancy china.

If you’re investing in fresh specialty coffee, don’t save it just for a special occasion. Enjoy your coffee during its peak freshness — typically within the first month.

Look for the roast date.

Coffee beans have a LONG shelf life. The commodity grade stuff you find in supermarkets has typically been there for several months and is almost always in stale coffee territory. If you want to up your coffee game — look for coffee labeled with a roast date so you know how fresh it is.

Whole Beans are Better Than Ground

Store your beans in the vacuum of space.

The moon has great coffee bean storage conditions — but if you don’t have access to a space shuttle keep your fresh beans in something airtight, cool, and out of direct sunlight.

While popular — we don’t recommend freezing your coffee as it can introduce moisture from condensation. Not what you want in your bag of coffee.

Buying a grinder is usually the first piece of coffee equipment we suggest people invest in as they start on their coffee journey. Read more about types of grinders here.

Here’s why: Grinding coffee exposes more of the bean to oxygen. Think about how an avocado begins to go downhill once you cut it. Coffee is similar — once ground, it starts to age and become stale at a much faster rate.  

Manual Brewing is Worth the Time

Almost all homes have a drip brewer — they’re convenient. The problem is they are often dirty and don’t heat the water enough to get the best coffee flavor from the beans. To make it worse, the hot plate then overheats the brewed coffee. It’s like undercooking a steak and then immediately burning the dickens out of it. 

While any coffee is better than no coffee, there are methods of brewing that produce a better cup. With pour-over and french press you have complete control over every aspect of your brewing ratios, temperature and dosing.