There's What in My Coffee?!?

Now here's something that will make you exclaim "What the what!?" Food's apparently a real thing. Who would have thought that you'd have to be worried about fraudulent coffee? Seems crazy, right? It seems that food fraud is actually quite prevalent, at least according to this interesting info-graphic from the folks at In the case of coffee, we're talking about lovely additions like sticks, acorns, and legumes.....among other things popping up in this product we all know and love. I've never poured myself a cup of coffee and thought "There's not nearly enough potato flour in this brew!" Take a gander at the graphic below to see what the heck I'm talking about:



Weird, right? Now I know that occasionally in the farming/processing/packaging of coffee, small twigs or even rocks can accidentally find their way into the final product...but that's not what this article is about. This is about people adding foreign objects to "extend" their product and increase profit. I'd like to think that those of us living in the good ol' US of A wouldn't have to worry about such shenanigans with all of our regulations. But hey, I used to believe in the Tooth Fairy, so what do I know? Here's the good news. You wanna know what's in bags of Reboot Roasting coffee? It's coffee! Just straight up, delicious and honest coffee. Well, coffee and awesome - there's a healthy dose of awesome in every bag too!





Whole 30 and Coffee


What the Heck are Tasting Notes?